Da die letztendlich in der Hornhaut vorhandene optische Zone mit zunehmender Höhe des sphärischen Äquivalents kleiner ausfällt, als die am Lasergerät gewählte optische Zone. Dies liegt daran, dass die Hornhaut an der Peripherie immer stärker abfällt, damit trifft der Laserpuls die Hornhaut nicht mehr im 90° Winkel und es kommt zu einem Energieverlust, d.h. der Laserpuls kann in der Peripherie nicht mehr soviel Gewebe abtragen wie geplant. Beispiel: bei einer Korrektur von -5 D wird eine geplante optische Zone 6mm letztendlich 5,4mm. Bei noch höheren Korrekturen wird die effektive optische Zone immer kleiner...
Neueste Laser versuchen dies zu kompensieren, was aber noch nicht zufriedenstellend funktioniert.
1: J Cataract Refract Surg. 2002 Jun;28(6):942-7.
Comment on:
J Cataract Refract Surg. 2002 Jun;28(6):948-53.
Topographic changes in corneal asphericity and effective optical zone after
laser in situ keratomileusis.
Holladay JT, Janes JA.
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. holladay@docholladay.com
PURPOSE: To determine the relationship between the spherical refractive change
after myopic excimer laser surgery and the effective optical zone (EOZ) and
corneal asphericity determined by corneal topography. SETTING: Baylor College of
Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. METHODS: Preoperative and postoperative
topographies along with refractions were evaluated in all patients who had had
laser in situ keratomileusis since January 1999 and had at least 6 months of
follow-up. The VISX Smoothscan S2 excimer laser and the Hansatome microkeratome
(Bausch & Lomb) were used in all cases. Because optical zones are oval with
astigmatic treatments with the VISX laser, only patients with spherical
refractions and treatments were included. Thirty-nine cases met the criteria;
their treatments ranged from -1.50 to -18.00 diopters (D). The preoperative and
postoperative corneal asphericities (Q-values) were taken directly from the
Holladay Diagnostic Summary Report on the EyeSys 2000, version 4.0. The mean
diameter of the optical zone was measured on the local radius of curvature map
using the outer edge of the yellow zone, which corresponds to 2 color changes or
approximately 0.50 D steepening from the mean central radius (green). RESULTS:
The EOZ decreased as the amount of treatment increased. The decrease was
slightly nonlinear, decreasing slightly more rapidly at higher treatments. For
an "intended" 6.0 mm optical zone, the nominal EOZs from the least-squares
second-order polynomial regression were 6.0 mm for -1.5 D, 5.4 mm for -5.0 D,
4.6 mm for -10.0 D, 3.8 mm for -15.0 D, and 3.2 mm for -18.0 D. The
least-squares second-order polynomial regression yielded a standard error of the
estimate (SEE) of +/- 0.22 mm (R(2) = 0.90). The asphericity increased
nonlinearly in a positive direction (oblate) with the amount of treatment,
indicating greater amounts of correction produced progressively more oblate
corneal surfaces. The least-squares second-order polynomial regression yielded
an SEE of +/- 0.42 (R(2) = 0.55). CONCLUSIONS: The EOZ decreased and the Q-value
increased with the amount of myopic excimer laser treatment. The optical zone
was approximately 4.3 mm with a spherical treatment of -12.0 D. These findings
may explain the clinical studies that indicate high myopic treatments (above
-12.0 D) are associated with poor visual outcomes.
PMID: 12036634 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Je größer die Myopie, desto kleiner die effektive opt. Zone
Moderator: Frankyboy
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Nachdem was Dr. Holladay in Euro Times verkündet hat, ist es für Patienten mit höherer Myopie (insbesondere mit großen Pupillen) besser zu warten.
“The effect of that is substantial and it’s the reason why we were originally making oblate corneas and inducing spherical aberration. Nowadays, a radial compensation function has been implemented into every single laser. There are variations among the companies in terms of how good they are and no-one today has a radial compensation function that is 100% effective.”
Volltext: http://www.escrs.com/Publications/Eurot ... urgery.pdf
“The effect of that is substantial and it’s the reason why we were originally making oblate corneas and inducing spherical aberration. Nowadays, a radial compensation function has been implemented into every single laser. There are variations among the companies in terms of how good they are and no-one today has a radial compensation function that is 100% effective.”
Volltext: http://www.escrs.com/Publications/Eurot ... urgery.pdf
Je größer die Myopie, desto kleiner die effektive optische Z
Ups, die Arbeit stammt aus dem Jahr 2002. Das war doch fast Steinzeit in der refraktiven Chirurgie. Und es gibt seit langem Laser, deren Abtragsprofile entsprechende Korrekturen enthalten. Außerdem stellt Halladay in seinem letzten Satz fest, dass dies vermutlich erklärt, weshalb Behandlungen über -12 Dioptrien mit einer Verschlechterung des Visus einhergehen. Wer behandelt in Deutschland einen Patient mit mehr als -12 Dioptrien mit LASIK?
lG, Spark
lG, Spark
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- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Je größer die Myopie, desto kleiner die effektive optisc
NOCH keiner.Spark hat geschrieben: Wer behandelt in Deutschland einen Patient mit mehr als -12 Dioptrien mit LASIK?
Aber wer weiß, wann auch das der Fall sein wird......
Die Wissenschaft fängt eigentlich da an, interessant zu werden, wo sie aufhört.
(Justus von Liebig)
(Justus von Liebig)
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