Ads for you

allgemeine Themen zu LASIK, Femto-LASIK, LASEK, Epi-LASIK, PRK...die in keine Spezialkategorie passen

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Registriert: 14.02.2023, 09:10

Ads for you

Beitrag von Octavia25 » 16.04.2024, 13:24

Ever scrolled through a site and felt like the ads were tailor-made for you? That's no coincidence. Ad placement is an art, my friend. Picture this: You're reading an article on DIY gardening, and bam! Right next to it, a sponsored post on the best gardening tools catches your eye. That's strategic ad placement in action. It's about blending seamlessly into the user experience, like a well-choreographed dance. Check out some killer ad placement examples that'll make you rethink how you see those little squares of promotion.


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